With over 100,000 volumes, the art library of the Von der Heydt-Museum is the largest art book collection in the Bergisches Land region. It is a library for art historical research and information center for the museum staff, a contact point for museum visitors, art historians, artists, journalists, educators, students and all citizens interested in art. There is no admission fee. A library card is not required.
The library in the administration wing of the museum (entrance Burgstr. 2) is a reference library, i.e. it can be researched and read on site, but not borrowed. The librarian is available for all questions and helps with literature compilations, factual information, image research, etc.
The book stock is easily accessible via a systematic list (according to subject groups). The titles of the books can be searched via the visitors’ PC (= OPAC). Copying machines (including color copiers) and laptop connections are available. Regular library users have the possibility to set up their own handset.
Use only on request under
Von der Heydt-Museum
Burgstr. 2 (Eingang Verwaltung)
42103 Wuppertal-Elberfeld
In the week of 28.11.-02.12.22 the library will be closed for renovation work.
In the period 23.12.22-10.01.23 the library will be closed for the Christmas break.
Tue, Wed, Fri 1.30 p.m. – 3.30 p.m.
Thu 1.30 p.m. – 5.30 p.m.
Contact Person: Anne Kessler
E-Mail anne.kessler@stadt.wuppertal.de
Phone +49 (0)202/563-2402
Other dates by arrangement
Von der Heydt-Museum
Burgstr. 2 (Eingang Verwaltung)
42103 Wuppertal-Elberfeld
With over 100,000 volumes, the library of the Von der Heydt-Museum is the most important art book collection in the Bergisches Land region and one of the largest art libraries.
The collection profile shows a clear focus on monographs of artists (including catalogs of works relevant to research, important exhibition catalogs, dissertations that are difficult to obtain, and small publications in small editions). There are not only publications by publishers on nationally known artists, but often also unpublished materials (the so-called “gray literature”) on contemporary or only regionally known artists about whom no other texts are available.
Other important segments of the library’s holdings are encyclopedias and bibliographies, thematic literature on all genres and periods of art history, museum guides and holdings catalogs, exhibition books, auction catalogs, and periodicals.
All books are systematically listed, and specific searches for titles, authors or keywords are also possible via the visitor PC (OPAC).
In addition to print media, audiovisual media (CDs, DVDs + videos) are also available.
The offer is supplemented by a database of Wuppertal artists (with meanwhile more than 2700 names) and a database of all exhibitions of the museum from 1902 (the year of foundation) until today.